Is your life like a knot? How so? Would you like to come to talk about knots and make art that could help open these up? We will use different art techniques to help express ourselves. It’s ok to be experimental here! At the end of the workshop series, a collective exhibition amongst the participants is also possible.
Knot series is for people who are interested in sharing life stories, listening to other perspectives and making art from our time together. Knot series is open to everybody. The workshop will be held in both Finnish and in English. Participation is free of charge.
When: from 17.00-19.00
Dates: 21.1, 6.2, 27.2*, 12.3, 26.3*, 9.4 – March meetings are CANCELLED due to the coronavirus outbreak. Check the links below for future dates.
Where: Bokvillan, Hämeentie 125, 00560 Helsinki
We will have a group exhibition in March at Kääntöpaikka in Arabia. The * indicate the days we will install and take down the exhibition. We can discuss more when we meet as a group.
Participation of each session is recommended. Register by emailing Arlene at
I am an artist and educator, and my work focuses on adding play elements to daily life through my art. Inspired by translation studies, animals and nature, I find ways to connect and make meaning in our shared environments. My artistic work is often process-based and it creates spaces and situations for exchange, dialogue, and transformations to occur and surprise all players. I am interested in creating projects that open up ideas and that engage the viewer; that invite the viewer to be a part of the narrative or art creation process. In translation, your participation continues to propel the story.
– Arlene Tucker
solmu sarja kevat // knot-series spring 2020
Knot series is made in collaboration with MIITTI, MIOS and MIELI Mental Health Finland CENTRE FOR CULTURE AND WELL-BEING