How will the authors of tomorrow write? In what formats?
Sivuvalo is proud to present
Futurible � Visual Poetry and Future Language Exhibition
curated by Daniel Malpica and Timea Varga.
Futurible shows text-based works of international poets, writers, designers and artists living in Finland. A book is just one possible container of literary work, a frame defined by characters, fonts, layouts and so on. What happens when authors explore the use of text under different circumstances beyond conventional formats?
Works from: Muhaned Durubi (IQ/FI), Martina Mi�o (EC/FI, Payam Abdolsamadi (IR/FI), Zoila Forss (PE/FI), K�ri Tulinius (IS), Daniel Malpica(MX/FI), Timea Varga (HU/FI) and Roxana Cris�logo (PE/FI).
Organised by Sivuvalo in cooperation with Stoa and Stadi Ammattiopisto Helsinki.
Stoa second floor/ Stoan parvigalleria
Turunlinnantie 1, It�keskus, Helsinki
Open/Avoinna ma-to klo 9-20,
pe klo 9-18, la-su klo 10-16.
Exhibition closing party 2.3.2017 at 17.00
Free entrance/ Vapaa p��sy / Gratis intr�de