Kemê: The Calling – workshop (Tales in our bones)

Location: Vantaa Art Museum Artsi
Address: Paalutori 3, 01600 Vantaa
(scroll down to read in Finnish)
In this workshop, we will share our learned tales, myths, legends and oral stories over a cup of tea, analyzing them from an intersectional feminist perspective.
We will reflect on its core message and symbology, empower each other as individuals and community to later create our own performative narration.
The complete workshop consists of 3 sessions and a final presentation at Vantaa Art Museum Artsi. However, there is an option for those who do not want to participate in the public presentation, to attend only for two first sessions. You can choose the option that suits you better in the registration form.
No partification fee.
– Monday 17th January, 10 – 14 h / Mandatory session, on-site (Vantaa Art Museum Artsi)
– Tuesday 18th January, 10 – 14 h / Mandatory, on-site or online.
– Thursday 20 January, 10 – 13 h / Only for those performing, on-site.
– Friday 21 January, 16.30 – 18 h Presentation/Performance at the museum, open to the public.
This workshop is part of “The Posture of Impermanence” exhibition’s public program and Is made under Kemê’s more extensive project “Villi Akka’ calling,” supported by The Arts Promotion Center TAIKE.
– We want to make the workshop a safe space, to achieve that we will start creating together our own safer space rules and feedback methods.
– There must be space for new viewpoints and experiences, but the atmosphere must also remain respectful, safe and inclusive.
– What others share with us is not shared outside the workshop without the explicit consent of the people involved.
– No hate speech or discriminatory behaviour is welcome.
Registration is open until 13th January ‘22:
Q: Who can participate?
Young and adults interested in tales, identity, performance art, community, intersectional feminism and mythologies.
Q: Is it necessary to attend all the sessions of the workshop?
Yes if you want to participate with the group in the presentation
If you can not make it to the presentation you can assist only in the first two sessions.
The second session will be online if the group agrees.
Q: What language is the workshop in?
I will speak in English (but I am fluent in Spanish and I can understand basic Finnish and a bit of Swedish.) You don’t need to be an expert in English to participate but enough for communicating with the rest of the group.
Q: I’m very interested but I still have questions.
We all perceive and experience differently, and all our contributions are valuable in different ways.
Contact Kemê at
Kemê is a multidisciplinary artist, poet, and cultural worker based in Helsinki, Finland.
As an artist, she works through photography, performance, installation and text, exploring the complexity of our construction and the constructions we inhabit through concepts like memory, representation, the shadow, symbols, instability, the unconscious or tales.
Her current artistic practice, supported by The Arts Promotion Center Taike, focuses on the intersection between identity, art, community, intersectional feminism and the quality of tales and myths as an open-source.
Kemê’s latest performance “B o n e s” has been presented at Vantaa Art Museum Artsi, as part of the exhibition “The Posture of Impermanence”. It features an initiation rite, a form of mental resurrection, an act of magic, a powerful warning, or just a reminder of the multifaceted human condition. This performance art piece is rooted in one of the symbol-laden rituals still transmitted to us through tales, transcending arbitrary boundaries, eras and geographical locations.
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Ilmoittaudu mukaan taiteilija Kemên The Calling -työpajaan!
Työpajassa jaamme opittuja tarinoita, myyttejämme, legendojamme ja suullisia tarinoita teekupin ääressä ja analysoimme niitä intersektionaalisen feminismin näkökulmasta.
Pohdimme tarinoiden ydinviestejä ja symboliikkaa, vahvistamme toisiamme yksilöinä ja yhteisönä ja luomme lopulta oman performatiivisen esityksemme.
Työpaja koostuu 3 tapaamisesta ja loppupresentaatiosta/performanssista Vantaan taidemuseo Artsissa. Niille, jotka eivät halua osallistua julkiseen esitykseen, on kuitenkin mahdollisuus osallistua kahteen ensimmäiseen istuntoon. Voit valita itsellesi parhaiten sopivan vaihtoehdon ilmoittautumislomakkeessa. Ei osallistumismaksua.
– maanantai 17.1.2021 klo 10-14 / Vantaa taidemuseo Artsissa
– tiistai 18.1.2022, klo 10-14 / paikan päällä museossa tai virtuaalisesti
– torstai 20.1.20221 klo 10-13 / vain performanssiin osallistujille, paikan päällä
– perjantai 21.1.2022 klo 16.30-18 / presentaatio / performanssi museossa
Työpaja pidetään englanniksi, mutta englannin perustaidot riittävät hyvin osallistumiseen. Lisätietoja voi kysyä suoraan taiteilijalta:
Ilmoittaudu mukaan viimeistään 13.1.2022! Linkki ilmoittautumiseen:
Työpaja on osa Vantaan taidemuseon Huokoinen ele -näyttelyä. Se on myös osa Kemên laajempaa Villi akka – hanketta, jota tukee TAiteen edistämiskeskus TAIKE.
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