My Day � My Life / Comic Art Workshops

Location: Caisa, International Cultural Center
Address: Mikonkatu 17 C, Helsinki

Nonstop workshop, open for all (aula/lobby ja Cafe Caisa)

�Using pictures to transcend the boundaries of language�. A series of workshops were participants are asked to express via simple drawings a single moment, event, emotion or thought, experience of an ordinary or extraordinary day in their lives. The comics will include an optional caption in the mother tongue of each participant -all languages welcome! The material from the workshops will be gathered to produce a small comic art book.

Workshops led by artists:
Edwina Goldstone- Visual artist � Catalysti ry
Roxana Crisologo � Poet, author and cultural activist-Sivuvalo ja Catalysti
Arlene Tucker- Visual artist- Catalysti ry

Organisers: Sivuvalo, Catalysti, and Caisa.

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