(in English below)
C�mo suena un lim�n electrificado? Cuando canta mejor un pl�tano, cuando esta maduro o crudo? Quieres ser un alquimista, quien encuentra el tesoro del transistor?
Durante los talleres construiremos instrumentos sonoros electroac�sticos de diferentes materiales para crear una historia y personajes inspirados de la exposici�n del inventor y pionero Erkki Kurenniemi. El instructor ser� el m�sico electroac�stico y educador colombiano Alejandro Olarte.
Los talleres se organizan 10., 17., 24.11. y 1.12. de una a cuatro de la tarde. Cada taller cuesta 12 euros/persona. Inscripcion�s a .
El m�ximo de participantes es 20 cada vez.
El curso se lleva a cabo en cooperaci�n con Kiasma y Outi Korhonen, artista regional de Uusimaa.
El curso ha obtenido apoyo de la Fundaci�n Kone como parte del proyecto de talleres artisticos “Babel workshops”.
Dream Listeners � Sound Workshops
How does an electrified lemon sound? Which one sings better, a ripe or a raw banana? Do you want to be an alchemist who finds the treasure of a transistor?
During workshops, participants build electroacoustic instruments from a variety of materials inspired by the exhibition of the Finnish pioneer of media art, Erkki Kurenniemi. Course instructor is Alejandro Olarte, electroacoustic musician and educator from Colombia. Workshop languages are Spanish, Finnish and English.
The workshops are designed for 8�12-year-old children with their parents. The workshops are on 10, 17, 24 November and 1 December, from 1 to 4 pm. The workshop fee is 12 euros/person/workshop. You can participate just once or several times. Each workshop has a different theme.
Email registration by Friday each week before the workshop . Max. number of participants is 20.
Produced jointly by Kiasma, regional artist Outi Korhonen from Taike and the Babel workshops project funded by Kone Foundation.