TUPA Training session: Creative working groups as grant applicants. Business plan of an enterprise.

Location: Cultural Centre Caisa
Price: Free entrance
Address: Mikonkatu 17

(in Finnish below) 

Welcome to TuPa’s Mentoring and Networking Seminar on March 5th, 2014
The International Cultural Centre Caisa,The Festivity Hall
Vuorikatu 14 or Mikonkatu 17, Helsinki
10 am – 3 pm.

Lecturer Miia Toivio shall give the best practice for working at a creative working group. She will answer to questions: How tasks are agreed to be shared between members of a creative working group, how a creative working group shall apply for a grant and how a grant is agreed to be shared between the members of a working group.

Consultant Ilpo Paasolainen shall coach how to develop a business plan of an enterprise. During the seminar following topics are handled: How to define a mission, vision, values and strategy for an enterprise? How these are used when creating business? 

You have possibility to get mentoring for your own business or artistic work during the seminar and also later the spring 2014. Please, send a mail to address latest on February 28th, 2014 and tell what kind of mentoring you will need.

Please, register to the Seminar by sending a mail latest on March 4th, 2014.

All TuPa-training sessions are free of charge.


TuPa online:
Warmly Welcome!

Terhi Dahlman, Lecturer
TuPa Project, Project manager

HUMAK University of Applied Sciences


Tervetuloa TuPa-hankkeen Mentorointi- ja verkostoitumisseminaariin 5.3.2014
Kulttuurikeskus Caisa, Juhlasali
Vuorikatu 14 tai Mikonkatu 17, Helsinki
klo 10.00 � 15.00

P�iv�n aikana paneudutaan taiteellisen ty�ryhm�n ty�skentelyyn ja yrityksen liiketoiminnan kehitt�miseen.


Lehtori Miia Toivio jakaa parhaita k�yt�nt�j� taiteellisen ty�ryhm�n ty�skentelylle. H�nen osuudessaan k�yd��n l�pi miten ty�njako sovitaan j�senten kesken, miten apurahoja haetaan ty�ryhmiss� ja miten apurahojen jaosta sovitaan ryhm�n j�senten kesken.

konsultti Ilpo Paasolaisen luotsaaman osuuden aikana k�yd��n l�pi miten yritykselle m��ritell��n missio, visio, arvot ja strategia sek� miten niit� k�ytet��n liiketoiminnan luomisessa.


Sinulla on mahdollisuus saada henkil�kohtaista mentorointia omalle liiketoiminnallesi tai taiteelliselle ty�llesi 5.3.14 tai my�hemmin kev��n 2014 aikana. Kerro mentorointitarpeesi l�hett�m�ll� s�hk�postia osoitteeseen 28.2.14 menness�.


Ilmoittaudu Mentorointi- ja verkostoitumisp�iv��n 04.03.14 menness�.


TuPa �koulutustilaisuuksiin on vapaa p��sy.


Tupa-hanke verkossa:
L�mpim�sti tervetuloa!

Terhi Dahlman, Kulttuurituotannon lehtori
TuPa-hanke, projektip��llikk�

Humanistinen ammattikorkeakoulu 
Welcome to TuPa’s Mentoring and Networking Seminar on March 5th, 2014
The International Cultural Centre Caisa,The Festivity Hall
Vuorikatu 14 or Mikonkatu 17, Helsinki
10 am – 3 pm.
Spring will come with a bang and you have still possibility to join TuPa’s Trainings!


Consultant Ilpo Paasolainen shall coach how to develop a business plan of an enterprise. During the seminar following topics are handled: How to define a mission, vision, values and strategy for an enterprise? How these are used when creating business?


Lecturer Miia Toivio shall give the best practice for working at a creative working group. She will answer to questions: How tasks are agreed to be shared between members of a creative working group, how a creative working group shall apply for a grant and how a grant is agreed to be shared between the members of a working group?


You have possibility to get mentoring for your own business or artistic work during the seminar and also later the spring 2014. Please, send a mail to address latest on February 28th, 2014 and tell what kind of mentoring you will need.


Please, register to the Seminar by sending a mail latest on March 4th, 2014.

All TuPa-training sessions are free of charge.


TuPa online:
Warmly Welcome!

Terhi Dahlman, Lecturer
TuPa Project, Project manager

HUMAK University of Applied Sciences

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