Location: Vapaan Taiteen Tila
Price: 0
Address: Vilhonvuorenkuja 15-16, 00500 Helsinki


Hosted by Katriina Ko

‘Wave back at me. Spend time with me. Remember me. Experiment with me. Count with me. Stop.’

Explore the mindscapes of six emerging artists. Live performances by MA students in Live Art and Performance studies (LAPS):

1st to 25th November, somewhere in Helsinki.
23rd and 24th November, Space for Free Arts / Vapaan Taiteen Tila, Vilhonvuorenkuja 15-16.
Opening hours from 10:00 to 22:00.

Works included in Co|LAPSe

Harold Hejazi (CAN / IRN):

To convey (a greeting or other message) by moving one’s hand. I am waving. Yes, at you! Do you see me? I once again went out of my way to say hello. Do you recognize me? It appears not.
Who decides how we are recognized? What does it mean to be seen? What does it mean to look? This performative installation explores the everyday politics of recognition within Helsinki, Finland.

Video documentation will be exhibited in The Space for Free Arts during Co|LAPSe on Nov 23rd and Nov 24th between 10:00 and 22:00 (closing time).

Join Harold Hejazi between November 1st to 14th for an authentic one-on-one waving encounter. Contact to schedule an appointment to go waving.

Daniela Pascual (ECU / ESP):
Call me Mermaid, if you like.
Details & prior registration:

Call me Mermaid, if you like is an experiment to escape my own experience of time, momentarily. To pause for others, perhaps with others. Where does time go when it�s no longer here for me?
And so I ask: would you be willing to take my time? Time, not me. Or time with me. If you’d like your time to shift, if you think you could use some extra time, perhaps this experiment is also for you.

I�ve written down a list of activities I can carry out for you or with you. If a task catches your eye, pick it up and choose a time slot for it. Participation is free of charge, registration ends on November 10th.

Performance: 13th-19th of November, from 8:00 to 00:00. Helsinki.
Installation: 23rd -24th of November, from 10:00 to 22:00. Space of Free Arts / Vapaan Taiteen Tila, Vilhonvuorenkuja 15-16. Helsinki.

Olga Spyropoulou (GR):
I�m religious. As religious as the wind or scissors. It�s an ant, she�s religious, the flowers are red. I don�t want to die. I don�t care if I die now. I�m more religious than the dust in the desert. The mouth of a child is round. My eyes are syrup, dripping cold. Sometimes I think I baked nettles, but I didn�t. Sometimes I think I�m miserable, but I�m not. I�m religious. I will throw a barrel into the river. If bees rushed into my face, I�d scratch at them with my hand and would see again. I don�t get upset. The soul presses like the crowds at the door. When I die, oxen will graze the grass just like this. Houses will glimmer just like this.

Performances of the non-human memory. The performer will be walking through non-human environments; in search of what remains when we leave. How does absence reside? How do non-human environments remember us?

Audiences will be strictly non-humans.
Performances will take place on the 23rd of November 3 a.m. and on the 25th of November 5 a.m. Somewhere in Helsinki.
The title of the piece is the poem Ships by Toma� �alamun.

Katriina Kettunen (FIN):
This is an Art Piece

Space for Free Arts
Thu 23rd and Fri 24th November, 10:00 – 22:00

Yuan Mor�O Ocampo (PHL):
�Table of Contents�

It is about Navigation.

Space for the Free Arts
24th November 2017, 18.00

Nicolina Stylianou (CYP):
�??????min – phase II�

�A sensual experiment that questions the notions of cognitive pattern recognition, the element of time and being in time and space.

Are humans just a residue of the past?�

Space for Free Arts
24th November 2017, 20.00

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