Special grant for migrant artists at SKR closing on 10.2.2014

(rough translation from Finnish)

The Regional Funds for Uusimaa of the Finnish Cultural Foundation (Suomen kulttuurirahasto) will award apr. 40 000 euros in its 75th anniversary year  for one or two projects that promote the culture of migrants. 

“The Foundation wants to support the process in which the culture and arts created by migrants florish and richen the Finnish society” states Jaakko Tapaninen, the new director of the Regional Funds of Uusimaa. 
Apply for the grant through the electronic application system at  www.skr.fi/mkr/uu . Deadline on 10.2.2014.

More information in Finnish at http://www.skr.fi/fi/ajankohtaista/uudenmaan-kulttuurirahastolta-juhlavuoden-erikoisapuraha-maahanmuuttajille

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