Living room session at Global Music Centre on Mon April 14th – meet the Director of Arts Promotion Centre

(in Spanish below) 

Monday, April 14th, 3 � 7 pm 

Global Music Centre 

H�meentie 34 D, Helsinki (our door is in the yard of the building)


Are you a musician residing in Finland? Have you heard that there are possibilities to get support and funding for you operations but do not know what to do and how to apply? Perhaps you moved to Finland only recently and you do not know the system yet � or you have already lived here a good while but it’s still one big mystery? Is the language the big problem? Would you like to discuss music making with colleagues but your network is not very strong and you are looking for friends and partners? Please come to GMC Living Room Session. Our aim is to provide a platform where you find people to talk to � perhaps people with even more questions but also people with answers. This time we have a special focus on the Arts Promotion Centre Finland, the organization that administrates the state support for arts in Finland.

Director Minna Sirn� is here to meet you from 4 to 6 pm.

Outi Korhonen, Regional Artist on Cultural Diversity is here from 3 to 7 pm.

It would help us if you send email and let us know that you are coming:



Jaana-Maria Jukkara

director, Global Music Centre


Puertas abiertas en Global Music Centre

Lunes, Abril 14, 15-19

H�meentie 34 D (la puerta se encuentra en el patio interior del edificio)


Eres un m�sico residente en Finlandia? Has escuchado que hay posibilidades de recibir apoyo y financiamento para tus actividades art�sticos, pero no sabes como postular? Tal vez has llegado a Finlandia hace poco y no conoces el sistema todav�a � o ya has vivido ac� un buen tiempo pero a�n as� no tienes claro como funciona? Te gustar�a conversar sobre hacer m�sica avec colegas, pero te falta una red de contactos? 

Eres muy bienvenido al encuentro puertas abiertas en GMC, Global Music Centre. Nuestro objetivo es ofrecer una plataforma para encontrar personas con quienes puedes conversar, tal vez con a�n m�s preguntas pero tambi�n con respuestas. Esta vez el encuentro se enfoca en el Centro de Promoci�n de Arte de Finlandia, organizaci�n que se encarga de administrar el apoyo estatal al arte. La directora del centro, Minna Sirn�, estar� presente entre 4-6 de la tarde. Outi Korhonen, la artista regional de diversidad cultural est�r� presente de entre las 3-7 de la tarde. Nos ayudar�a si nos mandaras un correo electr�nico para contar si vas a venir a .
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