On Tuesday the 26th of May Catalysti held its second AGM (Annual General Meeting)
The board was renewed as follows: Paola Livorsi chairwoman, Willem Wilhelmus vice-chairman, Marek Pluciennik secretary and treasurer. Other members: Anna Ruth, Wensi Zhai, Charles Ogu. Reserve members: Edwina Goldstone, Amal Laala, .
We would like to welcome Anna Ruth as a new board member and Anne-Maj V�re as our new auditor.
Upcoming projects
M�ntt� Art Festival – June 2015
Espoo P�iv� – 29th August 2015
Week Against Racism – March 2016
We warmly invite our members to send us ideas for projects in 2015-16 at ">catalysti2013@gmail.com
For the new board: Paola Livorsi