Open call for curators: results

Catalysti board voted and approved the following projects for 2018:

Parasite Radio, Week against racism, 23.3.2018 WHS Union Theatre. Curator Juan Duarte.

Africa Inside / Future Inside, World Village Festival 26.-27.5.2018. Curator: Tatiana Solovieva. Artists: Rosamaria Bolom, Macoumba Ndiaye

Mechanics of Conformity, Objekti Festival, Espoo, August-September 2018. Curator: Sepideh Rahaa. Artists: Rosamaria Bolom, Edwina Goldstone, Martina Mino Perez, Sepideh Rahaa, Arlene Tucker.

Thanks to you all for your proposals, looking forward to the coming new year!

Stay tuned & see you soon

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