Survey for Catalysti members, 25.4.-20.5.2019
Thanks for participating in the members’ survey. Here you can read the results. Let’s engage all of us to improve the situation!
New social gatherings will be organised in the autumn, starting with a café on 27.8. Save the date!
Number of participants
24 responses (out of 150, 16%)
Members based in: Helsinki or Helsinki area
41,7 % Helsinki
8,3 % Espoo
4,2% Vantaa
4,2% Mexico
Art fields
Visual arts (over 10)
photography (9)
music (over 5)
performance art (5)
dance (under 5)
literature (under 5)
Involvement in projects / activities
75% involved
25% not involved
How many times
12,5 % once
16,7 % in 2 projects
16,7 % in 3 projects
8,3% in 4 projects
20,8% in more than 5
Getting your voice heard in the association
58,3% yes
25% no
Consider the reasons why rest of members have become passive
Lack of transparency about funding, how grants are used
Long term agenda or objectives
More visual art projects
Socio-political way for art of mine different from art activism
People don´t pay attention to the events I submit
Have you proposed projects?
70,8% yes
25% no
How ?
63,2% open call
26,3% through a board member
Feedback about the proposal process
It never hurts to over communicate
More democratic to have a jury outside the board
Difficult to connect with other members to increase chance to start the application process
Need for clear infos about available funds for projects, clear contact persons responsible for coordinating
It has always been effective and well organised
Has it been easy to realise projects?
41,7% yes
20,8% no
25% don´t know
Feedback about realisation process
Requiring regular updates to make sure progress occurs
Communication wise can be better, stronger marketing
Better documentation on the website of past and future projects
Salaries for artists and curators are too low, but common problem in most associations
How would you improve it?
– Acting democratilly in distribution and action, better management
Linking and collaborating with other cultural Finnish institutions instead of acting alone, working transparently, long term objectives
– Create the feeling of a true community, to make space available for proposed projects. Doesn´t know how.
– In 2014-15 more events to meet other artists
– For a start create links on the website to the Facebook pages
– It is quite good
– More profound presentation, making known the uniqueness of the organisation and its driving force within the Finnish society
Position and visibility of the association
Enough audience?
41,7% maybe
37,5% no
20,8% yes
Reach out to the audience 14, 58,3% under 15 (almost max)
Improve visibility of the association´s work
More visible online marketing, multiple platforms
Larger, more targeted audience, help each other
When I talk to Finnish artists and gallerists, few have heard of Catalysti
Cultural diversity is the most important concept for Catalysti. Two ways in Finland: challenge and harmony. Harmony better as this is not a country by immigrants like US etc.
New and attractive website is primary important
Press releases, more cross association involvements
Visibility is this year better, I guess because of the better funding
Network with other associations, Finnish artists associations and art education institutions
A press officer
Better photographs and more social media
Does the program cover well your interests and art field?
33,3 % yes
33,3 % maybe
25% no
Do you have a clear idea of Catalysti program for the next two years?
50% partially
37,5% no
12,5% yes
Which aspects to improve and invest energy on?
62,%% marketing
54,2% collaboration with other associations
50% more spread in Finland
33,3 % more events
25% collaboration abroad
Joining umbrella associations?
69,6% yes
smaller percentages no, not sure, not enough infos, collaboration better etc.
If yes, which ones?
16,7% Globe Art Point
8,3% GAP (together 25%)
8,3% MUU, Moniheli, Sjkl, the more the better
Catalysti has about 150 members but only few are active, what are the main obstacles?
Lack of time: personal life, maternity leave, busy with own projects, busy in other associations
It would be difficult for Catalysti to cooperate with my art
Main activities are in Helsinki, I live somewhere else
Nobody reached out to me and I have limited financial resources for my projects
How to improve members engagement
Lounge with workshop spaces, like an actual art collective, hanging out in shared spaces
Share time in an interesting place
Making a grant available to members to make projects happen
Some gatherings with some sort of programme
More online sessions
Re-evaluating public/member image a well as study the public
Get together after Catalysti event
Annual or semestral gatherings but informal, meet and enjoy
A team of active producers to invite members to participate in projects
More open meetings, Catalysti cafés or other form of social gathering
Catalysti website, how often do you use it?
62,5 % 1-4 times per year
16,7% more than 10 times per year
12,5% 5-10 times
8,3% never
What do you use it for?
54,2% check artists grants and calls
50% to check news
41,7% check for upcoming events
Is the current website sufficient?
58,3% yes
41,7% no
If no, why?
more crossing infos to other associations, association and members spotlights, articles by members about what they do
Oudated and badly designed
Old fashioned and not very user friendly
Not active enough
Could be categorised for art fields
Not flexible enough, more documentation needed
Is it a useful source of information?
79,2% yes
20,8% no
If no, why?
I get infos of applications from other artists associations, btw. Globe Art Point
It could be better articulated
Not active enough, more like an artists registry
Anything else to be included?
Link to Catalysti FB pages
Updates about the ongoing advocating work
Wanted/needed for artists jobs
Documentation of past and present art events