20th Nordic Migration Research & 17th ETMU Conference 1.2021

Location: University of Helsinki
Price: Free
Address: Yliopistonkatu 4, 00100 Helsinki

CO­LO­NIAL/ RA­CIAL HIS­TOR­IES, NA­TIONAL NAR­RAT­IVES, AND TRANSNA­TIONAL MI­GRATION. The 20th Nordic Migration Research Conference and the 17th ETMU conference will be organized jointly at the University of Helsinki, Finland, on January 11-13, 2021, under the theme of Colonial/Racial Histories, National Narratives and Transnational Migration. The conference aims to provide a multidisciplinary platform for discussions in which the colonial/racial past and present (coloniality) are seen as relevant for how diasporic communities, racialized minorities, and Indigenous Peoples are encountered and acted upon in the Nordic societies, as well as how these communities resist, question, resurgence, organize themselves and seek for alternative horizons beyond hierarchies.



Nordic Migration Research (NMR)

Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration (ETMU)

Migration Institute of Finland (MIF)

Centre for Research on Ethnic Relations and Nationalism (CEREN) at the Swedish School of Social Science, University of Helsinki



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