Josué Moreno

The purpose of my artistic practice is:

    • To create beautiful sonic spaces.
    • To keep the meaning of “beauty” as wide as possible.

My name is Josué Moreno (Jaén, Spain 1980) and I am composer, sound artist and researcher. I have worked in a very wide range of projects which varies from purely instrumental music till sound installations, stage productions and interactive software. What defines the common ground of my practice is the metaphor of “sound as space/landscape to be articulated either by musicians or by process”.

Another key aspect of my artistic practice is: collaboration as artistic means. I understand every new collaboration project as a common adventure either with the musicians or with people coming from other fields of expertise. I have been so lucky to find partners as talented as Max Savikangas (viola, composer), Ángel Molinos (bass clarinet), Raúl Arbeloa (Dramaturg), Claire Cunningham (Performer) and Gema Álava (Visual artist).

Now I am working with the idea of Sonic Interventions in Public Spaces.

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