Catalysti got the invitation to propose new members for TAIKE Arts Councils for the years 2021-2022, before 29.5.2020. You’re welcome to send your proposals to before 28.5.2020, with: name, date of birth, title, postal address, telephone number, email address, a written agreement to the candidacy, a mention about the availability to operate on other art fields councils, art field, a short description of your expertise.
It is very important to propose as many transcultural candidates as possible, to have more diversity on the committees!
We can propose 2 names for each committee (keeping in mind gender equality). And, if there are proposals, some for the regional committees (2 names per committee). The art fields are:
– architecture & design
– audiovisual art (film, media art, light & sound art)
– performing arts (theatre, dance, circus, performance art)
– literature (including art journalism)
– music
– visual arts (visual arts, photography, comics, illustration)
– diversity (multidisciplinary, multiculturalism, internationalism)
Main terms of the candidacy:
* commitment to participate to 5-7 yearly meeting + taking extra time to read applications (for example visual arts commitee has about 1900 applications and performing arts committee 1200 applications a year)
* NB this is not a paid work, it is a service to the community
* good expertise on the art form and art field in general
* members cannot apply TAIKE grants from the committee she/he is a member of, during the two years in office (2021-23)
* as most of the applications are in Finnish / Swedish, it is better if a member has some knowledge of one of these languages (not compulsory), and the ability to read applications by an online program
A committee member has the same status as a civil servant (virkamies) and cannot participate to decision making if there is a risk for any conflict of interest. E.g. when a committee member is:
* board member in an association applying from the committee
* is an employee of a community applying from the committee
* is involved with a working group applying from the committee
* or if committee members child, parent or spouse/ex-spouse applies