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Catalysti has its second team of Artistic Co-Directors

We are pleased to announce our newly appointed Artistic Co-Director team, who will collaborate with members and key stakeholders until March 2024.

Katie Lenanton and Paola Nieto will share the responsibilities of overseeing Catalysti’s 2023 exhibition, workshops, operations, administrative tasks, and other programming for one year, as part of the developmental project Catalysti 2.0 (2022-2024), funded by Kone Foundation. The board of Catalysti wished for one of the directors to have experience working within the organisation, and for a partner director to bring a fresh take to the association’s activities.

Learn more about Katie and Paola:

Katie Lenanton (she/her) has an MA in Curating, Mediating, and Managing Art from Aalto University. Since 2008 she has worked within, outside of, and counter to institutions in Australia and Finland, aiming to understand, corrupt, and change their ways of working. She strives to practise curatorial responsibility, and improve curatorial ethics. She is a co-founder of Feminist Culture House, a non-profit association that works with and for underrepresented artists.

She was selected via an open-call application. The final decision was made by an independent jury of Catalysti members: David Flood, Jan Lütjohann, Jane Hughes, Tea Andreoletti and Yunjia Liu.

Paola Nieto (she/her) is a cultural manager and performing artist with an MA in Arts Management, Society, and Creative Entrepreneurship from the Sibelius Academy. She is experienced in artist management and event production in the music and performing arts fields, and has an interest in further studying decolonial practices in cultural management. Her artistic practice is in ethno-contemporary dance and is mostly carried out in collective settings. 

For a smoother transition to the directorship team, she was directly chosen by Catalysti’s current board given her experience as a cultural manager and board member. 

We are looking forward to working with the new co-directors and boosting Catalysti’s vision and reach in the coming year!

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