QFemZine � Queeri� ja Feminismi� / QFemZine � Queer and Feminism 1/17
Queer sukulaisuus / Queer Kinship
(Coming out in April)
What is queer kinship and queer family? Kinship and family have always been built largely differently in gender and sexual minority communities than through been blood relatives or in relation to state and legislation. Nowadays, at least in the Nordic countries, the perception of family has been fairly narrow in public discussion, legislation and politics even though the concept of the nuclear family is relatively young and that it has never truly depicted the true spectrum of kinship and family. However, with the gender-neutral Marriage Act entering into force, the perceptions of relationships and family are beginning to expand, at least in a legal sense. QFemZine is in search of writings and illustrations, at least but not only, on the following subject matters regarding queer kinship:
– the history of the concepts and perceptions of family and kinship (different families a historical fact)
– queer perceptions of family and kinship then and now
– queer kinship and politics
– queer kinship and legislation
– queer kinship and death
– different families: chosen family, extended family, rainbow families, polyfamilies, two adult families, friends as family and so on
– gender-neutral Marriage Act: why get married or why still not get married?
– queer kinship/family and children
– visions: everything that queer kinship could be?
QFemZine publishes in various forms: writings (both factual and fictional texts), illustrations, comic strips, videos, podcasts � science, art, politics! Writings can be in Finnish, English and Swedish. Deadline for first drafts is 28.2.
Don�t hesitate to ask for more information!