Ongoing Open Call: Information Sharing for Member Activities

Deadlines: 31.12.2025

All Catalysti members are invited to share information with the association that highlights their work: this could be images of their events, activities, works-in-progress for feedback, collaboration needs, resources to share, playlists, recipes, and forthcoming projects.

We can promote them through different channels, such as Facebook, Instagram, and these monthly newsletters. 

Send your event or activity to , and make sure to add the basic information, such as:

-Title, summary, dates and times, location, admission costs

-Images (if available), image credits, and image description text


-Other relevant information that’s important to share: for example, accessibility information—learn more here, with this great resource, Accessibility in the Arts: A Promise and A Practice  

Monthly newsletters are sent on the second week of each month (except in July), and the deadline for submitting information is the first of each month. 

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