Catalysti has been asked to propose new members for TAIKE Art Councils for the years 2021-2023, before 29.5.2020. You’re welcome to send your proposals to before 25.5.2020.
It is very important to propose as many transcultural candidates as possible, to have more diversity on the committees!
We can propose 2 names for each committee (keeping in mind gender equality). And, if there are proposals, some for the regional committees (2 names per committee).
The art fields are:
- architecture
- audiovisual arts
- literature
- cultural diversity
- visual arts
- media arts
- design
- music
- performing arts
- comics and illustration
- circus
- dance
- photography
Main terms for the candidacy:
- commitment to participate to 5-7 yearly meeting + taking extra time to read applications (for example visual arts commitee has 1900 applications and performing arts committee 1200 applications a year)
- good expertise on the art form and art field in general
- members cannot apply TAIKE grants from the committee she/he is a member of, during the two years in office (2019-21)
- as most of the applications are in Finnish / Swedish, it is better if a member has some knowledge of one of these languages (not compulsory), and the ability to read applications by an online program
A committee member has the same status as a civil servant (virkamies) and cannot participate to decision making if there is a risk for any conflict of interest. E.g. when a committee member is:
- board member in an association applying from the committee
- is an employee of a community applying from the committee
- is involved with a working group applying from the committee
- or if committee members child, parent or spouse/ex-spouse applies
Catalysti has been asked to propose new members for TAIKE Art Councils for the years 2021-2023, before 29.5.2020. You’re welcome to send your proposals to before 25.5.2020.
It is very important to propose as many transcultural candidates as possible, to have more diversity on the committees!
We can propose 2 names for each committee (keeping in mind gender equality). And, if there are proposals, some for the regional committees (2 names per committee).
The art fields are:
- architecture
- audiovisual arts
- literature
- cultural diversity
- visual arts
- media arts
- design
- music
- performing arts
- comics and illustration
- circus
- dance
- photography
Main terms for the candidacy:
- commitment to participate to 5-7 yearly meeting + taking extra time to read applications (for example visual arts commitee has 1900 applications and performing arts committee 1200 applications a year)
- good expertise on the art form and art field in general
- members cannot apply TAIKE grants from the committee she/he is a member of, during the two years in office (2019-21)
- as most of the applications are in Finnish / Swedish, it is better if a member has some knowledge of one of these languages (not compulsory), and the ability to read applications by an online program
A committee member has the same status as a civil servant (virkamies) and cannot participate to decision making if there is a risk for any conflict of interest. E.g. when a committee member is:
- board member in an association applying from the committee
- is an employee of a community applying from the committee
- is involved with a working group applying from the committee
- or if committee members child, parent or spouse/ex-spouse applies