Summer Academy for Artist-Researchers SAAR 2013

Deadlines: 29.04.2013 – 29.04.2013 – 29.04.2013 – 29.04.2013 – 29.04.2013 – 29.04.2013

The Summer Academy for Artist-Researchers is a joint project of the University of the Arts Helsinki (Theatre Academy Helsinki, the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts, and the Sibelius Academy) and the Aalto University School of Art and Design.

The third International Summer Academy for Artist-Researchers will take place in Finland on August 2-9, 2013. The aim of the Summer Academy is to discuss in depth the participants’ doctoral projects within the developing discourses of art practice and research. The Lammi research station by lake P��j�rvi near Helsinki offers an enjoyable and peaceful environment for constructive debates.

All doctoral students (or graduate students in North America) in an academic institution pursuing practice-based research on art are invited to submit applications and proposals to the Summer Academy. 

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