Call for Proposals 2017-2018
?Third Space announces its new Call for Proposals for the year 2017�2018. This invitation welcomes all forms of contemporary art, critical pedagogy and social activism: exhibitions, performances, installations, sound art, experimental poetry, lectures, talks, workshops, seminars, hacking sessions,etc.
To continue our last year�s approach on identity and its margins, Third Space�s next year programme theme is �After the Future� and will welcome proposals focused on the concept of nationalism and its current situation in society. This is in relation to Finland’s centenarian in 2017 and how as a nation we should reflect the increasing inequality in society at the same time that we celebrate unity.
What does After the Future mean? What does it mean to have a past-tense future? Is it nostalgia? Historiography? Whose future are we talking about? After the Future, is a call to arms�to address the post-utopian future, without the trappings of the myth that it is subjected to our present, and focusing on it as a potential space for change and possibilities.
Exhibition/event period:
One day to two weeks during the months of March 2017 to February 2018.
The applicant can suggest a time that would be most appropriate for the realisation of the project.
The applicant is also in charge of opening the space for the duration of the project.
DEADLINE: From the 25th of November 2016 to 25th of January 2017.