Arts Promotion Centre Finland to be inaugurated on 1 January 2013

The Parliament of Finland passed a bill today regarding the establishment of the Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taiteen edist�miskeskus). The task of the centre is to promote the arts on both the national and international levels, as well as to promote aspects of culture that are not covered by any other official body. The centre will function as an expert body under the Ministry of Education and Culture.

The Arts Promotion Centre comprises a Central Arts Council (Taideneuvosto) and the following expert bodies that decide on the awarding of grants and awards: national arts councils, regional arts councils and two separate boards.  The Arts Promotion Centre will be headed by a director appointed by the Ministry of Education and Culture for a set term not exceeding five years. The centre will also have regional offices.

The Central Arts Council will be appointed by the Ministry of Education and Culture. It will comprise a chairperson plus six to eight other members, who will serve three-year terms. The Central Arts Council will decide on the number of national arts council, their names and their roles. The Central Arts Council will also appoint the chairpersons and members of the national and regional arts councils. In addition, the Central Arts Council will play an important role as the ministry�s advisory body in policymaking regarding the arts.

The number of national arts councils will range from seven to ten, while the number of regional arts councils will remain unchanged at thirteen. The membership of the national and regional arts council will comprise experts in the arts who are appointed for two-year terms. The arts councils will decide on the awarding of grants and awards on the basis of peer reviews. The arts councils will also provide expert advice in the strategy work of the Arts Promotion Centre.

The current national and regional arts councils will continue to function until the Ministry of Education and Culture has appointed the Central Arts Council and the Central Arts Council in turn has appointed the new national and regional arts councils.

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