Extraordinary General Meeting 18.11.2016

Dear Catalysti Artists,

Welcome to our Extraordinary General Meeting!

TIME: Friday 18.11.2016 at 17:00-20:00


ADDRESS: Fredrikinkatu 19, 00120 Helsinki

We�ll open a discussion about the new association International Artists Center Finland, an organization presently directed by Tomi Purovaara, which gathers art associations working in the multicultural domain in Finland. This association has been founded to advocate the role and importance of transcultural institutions in Finland: it will act in the legal and public sector to give a stronger representation to immigrant artists in the Finnish art landscape.

We focus on the art, they take care of our rights.

As Catalysti we may like to join this new platform, so we need to discuss about this opportunity and consider together pros and cons.

Tomi Purovaara and one or two other members from the new association will be present in the first part of the meeting, to give us more information and answer the questions we may have.

Other issues will be the future of the association and how to make it more collaborative, so that as many members as possible will be active and feel represented.

To do so, we need as many of you present as possible. If you have your kids with you, they are welcome. Your presence is important!

Please confirm via email as soon as possible at

The Catalysti Board

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