Open Call for Catalysti Artists EXHIBITION 2020, deadline 3.4.

Anne Klontz, curator of Catalysti exhibition in Cable Factory, Valssaamo (autumn 2020), is currently working at the artists and artworks selection. As part of the selection process, she launches this Open Call for 5 proposals. The invited artists will be in all max. 12. With this Open Call Catalysti aims to give its members the possibility to propose their projects. Deadline 3.4.2020. See Anne’s letter with all the details here below.

Dear Catalysti members,

I have been enjoying reading about all of you and learning about your practices!

For the upcoming exhibition titled “2084”, part of the process will include an Open Call for members to submit a proposal that could fit in with the exhibition’s concept (a description is below). From this open call, I will select 5 proposals to be included in the exhibition.

The exhibition period (including installation, exhibition, de-installation) is from the 28th of September to the 15th of October (exact dates open to the public are coming soon.) There is also a weekend planned for a program of events from the 9-11 of October.

If you would like to submit a proposal, please email me the following information:

  •   A description of the work you would like to present in relation to the exhibition concept
  •   1 -2 images, link, text or other sample of the work

Send to: by Friday, April 3, 2020.

About the exhibition, “2084”

Drawing inspiration from George Orwell’s book 1984, the exhibition will aim to explore the question of how power can be explored as a future. Orwell’s novel narrates an imagined future in which society was controlled by the government leader known as Big Brother and the Thought Police. While the story was written in 1949, 35 years prior to 1984, the fictitious subject matter of the book was forward-thinking and it has, in many ways, become reality; think of today’s use of surveillance cameras, algorithms and fake news. However, despite the dire tone of the story, notions of love and activism were also present as integral forms of power.

The exhibition “2084” will explore these contrasts and be developed collectively with Catalysti artists through which we discuss, share, read, analyze and think about what power in the future could look like, sound like, and feel like together. Can we think beyond the contemporary forms of power, i.e., institutional power, physical or psychological power, to predict what the future will hold for us?

I look forward to your ideas!

Anne Klontz

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