Submission for small art works for inclusion in the Christmas art fair in the Jyv�skyl� Art Museum.

Dates: Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th of December. Open hours are from 11am until 6pm on both days.

The fair attracts approximately 2000-3000 visitors per day, with about 50 tables showing work by local artists and art-related associations.



Deadline for submissions collection NOVEMBER 17TH

Collection point: Caisa reception area klo 11.00-13.00 & 14.00-17.00


Items that can be sold:

Artist books


Cd’s � music & video, (max 10 per person)

Small prints and artworks (max size A5 (14,8 x 21 cm) or 20 x 20 cm)

Cards (postcards, Christmas cards)

Small art objects (max 20 x 20 x 20 cm)


Wearable art


All submissions should be well packed for transportation and clearly labelled with:

Artist name

Title of artwork

Number of pieces (example 1/10, 2/10� or 1/1 if you are submitting only one item)

Selling price

Bank account details: IBAN

Contact information (telephone number and/or email address)


Please also include a description of their work in general as well as a short text or story about what they are selling at the fair. (This is important so that we can best represent the artists to the public.)

Artists may also include business cards for distribution to the general public.


*If you are unable to bring your works to the collection dates above, you can post them to:

Anna Ruth

Puistokatu 16 as 6

40100 Jyv�skyl�


Sent packages should be posted after November 25th. All posted works must be received in Jyv�skyl� by DECEMBER 8TH at the latest.

Any package arriving before November 25th or after December 8th will not be retrieved from the post office.

A small commission of 10% will be taken from the sale of works

Remaining work will be returned to the Caisa office for collection by JANUARY 31ST, 2016.

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