Yuko Takeda�s actor�s training workshops in Cultural Centre Caisa 13.1. – 26.5.2015

Training sessions, creative workshops, and the opportunities to make work in local environment for theatre and performing artists. Working language English.

Information source: Cultural Centre Caisa

Project title: 

�I <3 Helsinki�



  • To forge a steady group of artists for training and the composition work
  • To explore the non-theatre spaces for theatrical expressions
  • To invent various ways to tell stories about Helsinki and its residents



  • A group of artists meet once a week to train together, exchange ideas, and develop them for the composition work.
  • Viewpoints, Suzuki Method of actor training, and various other acting methods and exercises are used in training.
  • Composition (a short theatrical piece) is an opportunity to apply the skills acquired in training to an actual creative process. A specific location, usually a non-theatre place, is chosen to perform a piece. The theme and content of the composition is inspired by the location and the tales that relate to it.



Training and workshops on Tuesdays 13.1 – 26.5. 2015 at 17:00-20:00. Public presentation in June at Caisa Festival



Cultural Center Caisa (Room #4, gallery space), Mikonkatu 17 C, 00100 Helsinki + various places in Helsinki.


How to join?

Please, send an email along with your CV to Yuko Takeda() latest in Dec 31st 2015. A group of 4-8 people, both Finnish and foreign will be selected and be sent a confirmation.



Cultural Center Caisa, www.caisa.fi


Yuko Takeda:

Yuko is a Japanese actress currently living in Helsinki, Finland. Yuko has extensive education in theatre in the US from 2000-2008 and holds a Master of Fine Arts degree in Acting at University of Arkansas.

She has trained extensively in the Viewpoints and the Suzuki Method of actor training with SITI Company in New York. She also attended the Suzuki Method training program in Toga, Japan, organized by SCOT (Suzuki Company of Toga).

As a professional actress and collaborator, Yuko has worked on numerous international projects in Japan, Portugal (Festival de Performance e Artes da Terra 2012), Macedonia (Skupi International Theatre Festival 2012), and Scotland (Edinburgh Fringe 2010).

In Finland, Yuko�s diverse works as an artist include portraying the role of Jesus in Via Crucis (2010), performing in films: Ohikulkija (directed by Elen� N�s�nen) and Eila, Rampe, ja Likka (directed by Taru M�kel�), and creating a solo piece titled Journey of an Outsider.


Brief descriptions of the methods:


Suzuki Method

The method was created and has been developed by a renowned Japanese theatre director Tadashi Suzuki and his company SCOT (Suzuki Company of Toga). Most of its exercises draw inspirations from the Noh and Kabuki theatre training as well as SCOT’s own rehearsal processes. It aims to restore and expand the expressiveness of the actor’s body by giving emphasis to the lower part of the body, “Grammar of Feet,” and “animal” energy. The participants will begin to learn how to be articulate on the stage physically, mentally, and spiritually through the method’s rigorous approach to theatre.


A technique of improvisation that grew out of the postmodern dance world. It was first articulated by choreographer Mary Overlie, who broke down the two dominant issues performers deal with�time and space�into six categories. She called her approach the Six Viewpoints. SITI�s Anne Bogart and SITI company members have expanded Overlie�s notions and adapted them for actors. The Viewpoints allows a group of actors to function together spontaneously and intuitively, and to generate bold, theatrical work quickly. It develops flexibility, articulation, and strength in movement and makes ensemble playing really possible.




Artistic theatre workshops by Kuriton Company in Spring 2015 in Cultural Center Caisa


Helsinki-based theatre group Kuriton Company organizes three theatre workshops in Caisa during Spring 2015. The Workshops are part of Kuriton Companys new exploration and performance project GRIEFBOOK (www.kuriton.com).  All the workshops are open to artists from different disciplines. Working language will be English and Finnish. You can participate only to one or to all workshops.


Participation free, warmly welcome! Registration & further information:

Cultural Center Caisa, Mikonkatu 17 C, 00100 Helsinki, www.caisa.fi


March 18th & 19th at 16.00-20.00  Sensitivity and Articulation of the Performing Body, led by Yuko Takeda


April 22nd & 23rd at 16.00-20.00  How is our culture written? Whose drama/tragedy/comedy are we living? led by Erich Weidle


May 27th & 28th at 16.00-20.00 Ugly Singing? � Physical Voice Workshop, led by Heidi Syrj�kari




Kuriton Companyn taiteelliset teatterity�pajat Kulttuurikeskus Caisassa kev��ll� 2015


Helsinkil�inen teatteriryhm� Kuriton Company j�rjest�� Caisassa kev��ll� 2015 kolme teatterity�pajaa.

Ty�pajat ovat osa Kuriton Companyn GRIEFBOOK tutkimus-ja esitysprojektia (www.kuriton.com ).

Kaikki ty�pajat ovat avoimia eri alojen taiteilijoille. Ty�skentelykielen� englanti ja suomi. Voit osallistua vain yhteen tai kaikkiin ty�pajoihin.


Vapaa p��sy, l�mpim�sti tervetuloa! Ilmoittautuminen ja lis�tiedot:

Kulttuurikeskus Caisa, Mikonkatu 17 C, 00100 Helsinki, www.caisa.fi



18. ja 19.3.2015 klo 16-20 Sensitivity and Articulation of the Performing Body. Vet�j�: Yuko Takeda


22. ja 23.4.2015 klo 16-20 How is our culture written? Whose drama/tragedy/comedy are we living? Vet�j�: Erich Weidle


27. ja 28.5. 2015 klo 16-20 Ugly Singing? � Physical Voice Workshop. Vet�j�: Heidi Syrj�kari

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