Myriam Gras is a Dutch artist, curator, and researcher based in Helsinki, Finland. Interested in the relationships between contemporary art, ecological, and man-made infrastructures, her practice explores various temporal and geographical environments, and aims to transcend specific domain-specific knowledge and vocabulary. Gras’ multidisciplinary and non-hierarchical practice is rooted in factual knowledge but is transported into the realm of the imagination. It includes moving image and photography, sculpture and installation, and curatorial activities as research methods.
Gras holds a BA in Fine Arts from St. Joost School of Art and Design (’s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands) and has been part of several art institutions, including Club Solo (Breda, Netherlands), TextielMuseum (Tilburg, Netherlands), and Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (Tilburg, Netherlands). She is founding curator of Ringbaan Kollektor, a platform that researches the notion of value through modes of exchange, and co-founder of Salt Collective, a project embarking on a journey through the world’s waters with their floating satellite studio. She is currently completing an MA in Visual Cultures, Curating and Contemporary Art (ViCCA) at Aalto University, Finland.